Lee Dong Gun shares a heartfelt moment with daughter Roa

Article: "I want to live together with dad" Lee Dong Gun chokes up at daughter Roa's confession

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+674] Her mother has been raising her so preciously ㅜ you can tell just by how much she loves her father so much, that the mother has never revealed anything that went wrong between them to the child

[+190] The daughter grew up so beautifully raised by the love of her mother and aunt. Amazing work.

[+120] I felt so sad seeing Roa finally reveal what she's been holding inside all this time and breaking into tears over the enormity of the emotions. Who knows how long that small child held on to those feelings...

[+80] Jo Yun Hee raised her well... and you can tell that Lee Dong Gun respects his daughter in the way he listens to her every word. It makes you realize that divorce may indeed be the better option if the alternative is having to see your parents fight all the time. It's probably so much better for the child's psyche to be raised by healthy parents back and forth like this.

[+89] Cried so hard watching this!! Roa's so well-spoken, her mother raised her well!!

[+72] They were such a beautiful couple but marriages don't always work the way you hope them to ㅠ I wish them the best with their daughter

[+9] Looks like it can't be helped, the wound that stays with a child when their parents get divorced ㅠㅠ

[+4] If only they could get back together for Roa's sake ㅜㅜ it hurt to see her cry like that

[+2] Always amazed at how genes get passed down like that
