Kang Sora welcomes second baby

Article: Kang Sora, who married an oriental doctor, gives birth to baby girl... mother of two now

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+120] Thank you for doing your part to help our country currently suffering from birth decline. Of course, she is as beautiful as always ^^

[+83] What a patriot

[+19] Kang Sora-nim❤️ Loved 'Misaeng' so much! If you haven't watched it yet, please make sure you do. She's so pretty~~

[+34] I had no idea she was even married

[+3] She looks even more beautiful 👏

[+3] Amazing actress and a patriot at that!! 👍

[+4] I want to see her in a new drama soon 😍

[+3] Congratulations 👏👏👏👏👏

[+1] She's such a patriot~ 👏😍

[+1] I bet she's just as great of a mother ♡

[+0] I really had no idea she was married at all
