Israel Embassy removes video depicting fictional Hamas attack on Seoul

Article: Israel embassy releases 'Seoul terrorism' video... deletes it after receiving criticism

Source: Asia Economy via Naver [English source] [English source]

[+1,649, -180] And why should we have to "imagine" if this were to happen to us? We are not like you guys who went and stole another's land.

[+546, -56] We have never gone into North Korea to establish settlements. We have never forced North Koreans out of their homes and killed their people with excavators.

[+311, -18] Israel crossing the line

[+323, -92] Rich video coming from murderers who stole another's land

[+105, -4] Israel, I hope you realize that the video you put out is exactly what you're doing to Palestine right now. Taking their land and killing them for opposing it. Don't act so clean now.

[+65, -4] The war is unfortunate but we as a country have never gone into another's land and forced them to move... We have much history involving independence activism, but never did we go and kill civilians over it.

[+55, -6] There is something wrong with Israel if they made this video only in Korea and not for every country

[+47, -2] Why is Israel always acting like the victim? It's not like they haven't been as gross as Hamas. They deny Palestine the rights to their land for decades now and are acting like the victims? Gross. Flabbergasting that they even thought to make this video when they're the ones bombarding Gaza right now... how are they any different from Hamas?

[+34, -4] If Hamas are terrorists, then Israel are slaughterers. It's amazing how they refuse to face the reality of what they've been doing to Palestine all these years.

[+37, -8] While this is indeed a mistake on Israel's part... I do have to remind everyone that Israel was one of the only countries who took Korea's side when the rest of the world was acting wishy-washy during the Dokdo dispute. They put Dokdo on their own maps for us. They also weren't afraid to criticize Japan on the issue of comfort women... so let's not hate them too much. 

- [+19, -0] What does this have anything to do with anything? Just because they took our side doesn't mean we have to stay quiet on the war crimes they're committing right now...? 

[+20, -5] We never have to "imagine" this video happening to us because we have never stolen someone else's land like you did.
