Taeyang shares his methods for managing his mental health

Article: Taeyang's secret to managing his mental health for 17 years without scandal

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

Taeyang listed working out as his secret to managing his mental health, stating, "I've been exercising since I was really young. I try to work out three to four times a week, sometimes as much as five. I focus on the positive feelings I get when I work out. When I don't work out, it takes me longer to sort out my thoughts. For relieving stress, taking walks and having conversations. I sort out my thoughts while looking at the changing seasons and the colorful sky. An even better method is to talk to someone who gets me. Sharing my thoughts and feeling consoled by them helps my mental wellbeing."


[+40] And why were you the only one in your group practicing those tips 

[+25] He has such bad luck with his group. Out of the five, he's the only one...

[+8] Mental health is up to the individual ㅎㅎ it's not something you share with your friends around you

[+4] The problem is that you did all that by yourself instead of all together with the Big Bang members ㅠㅠ

[+4] He has a realistic and healthy mindset

[+1] His mental 👏👏
