Lee Sun Gyun claims to not have known the madame was giving him drugs

Article: Lee Sun Gyun, "I was tricked by the parlor owner.. I did not know it was drugs"

Source: MBC News via Naver

[+693, -84] I think his testimony makes sense. The lady probably hashed out a plan to get some money out of him and fed him drugs, which he later found out, and made sure not to take those drugs again, which is why it didn't result in an addiction, which is probably also why his drug tests results came out negative. If he was voluntarily taking these drugs, he obviously would've gotten addicted and reached a point where he wouldn't be able to stop long enough to test negative. He fell into the lady's plans for blackmail, which he also paid up.

[+301, -54] His image is over as it is. The fact that he was smoking m*rijuana at the owner of a s*x services parlor is enough as it is... Can you imagine what his wife must be going through right now? The trust is completely broken... I wonder what she's going to choosen.

[+346, -119] Whether he knew or not, his image is already past the point of no return

[+239, -48] Doesn't this make him the victim? Penalize him for the pr*stitution but the person who tricked him itno taking the drugs should be thrown in jail as well.

[+108, -4] Okay, sure, we can ignore the parlor part... but why would you go out of your way to go hang out at the owner's house? As a married man with a family? And now you're claiming you didn't know she was giving you drugs?

[+66, -5] Sounds like she mixed it into his drink...

[+48, -2] I'd understand being "tricked" if it happened at the bar, but he went all the way to her house.. why go all the way there, as a father and husband?

[+45, -0] Yeah, the story checks out if he really did take something without knowing what it was and was then blackmailed over it.. but what I find iffy about the whole thing is that he could've handled this better by reporting it right away when it happened. I don't think his image would be this ruined had he done that.

[+44, -8] A gold digger got her claws in him, that's all. That's why you should stay away from such places. Ignore the comment sections and just get on your knees and beg for forgiveness from your children. Pay attention to nothing else but your family.

[+37, -1] But why were you, a married man and father, going to her house? You guys were obviously having an affair, and that alone is enough to end your career


Source: Naver + Naver

[+300, -10] As a public figure with a family, the fact that you were there at a room salon alone is where you went wrong, and not only that, but the home of the owner too tsk tsk

[+170, -34] The fact that a married man in his forties was hanging out at the home of a woman in her twenties, the owner of the parlor establishment, is disappointing enough. He's trying to frame the story by placing all of the blame on her for tricking him into taking drugs or whatever but he should've known to be more careful as a public figure. If he had not been caught, would this little relationship have kept going? 

[+141, -6] So you were hanging out at room salons, even getting close with the owner enough as to be in and out of her house frequently, and now you're claiming she blackmailed you because you didn't know those wer drugs...? What exactly were you doing in her house? What a mess you are... Just stay out of the spotlight. You're nothing but trash to society.

[+69, -2] But why were you at her house?

[+61, -3] One thing's for sure, his image is beyond repair now

[+60, -2] Sun Gyun-ah~ let's be honest with ourselves!!!

[+30, -3] So many excuses for a man who was basically at another woman's home drinking and smoking and enjoying himself in the end~~~ ㅋ


Source: Nate

[+106, -2] Did she "trick" you into going to her home too?

[+26, -3] Apparently it was v*agra that she tricked him into taking. Whatever the case, his image as a wholesome father is completely gone.. I don't know how he's not embarrassed facing Jun Hye Jin anymore.

[+17, -1] I wonder when exactly was the last time he had drugs in his system..

[+10, -0] The drugs aren't the issue, it's that he was having an affair with a parlor madame and sleeping with her at her home

[+6, -0] So is this the new trend? Enjoy yourself all you want and then claim you're being blackmailed?

[+4, -0] Who knows if this is the truth... but it is what everyone's been talking about so maybe his lawyers were like "let's just run with it"

[+2, -0] But what remains the facts is that he was at these parlors, which is what caused the blackmail in the first place
