YouTube video of woman saying she judges men who don't use iPhones sparks online controversy

 Article: "What do you think of men who use Galaxy phones?" Choongjoo city YouTube video taken down after controversy over judging men who don't use iPhones

Source: The Joongang via Naver

[+601, -7] I'm not interested in getting to know anyone who judges another person by what smartphone they use anyway

[+339, -11] I hope these judgmental people realize that the only reason they're even able to enjoy acting with such arrogance is because of the prestige that Samsung and Hyundai have brought to our country

[+175, -8] All of the riches and prestige of Hallyu are thanks to the hard work of Korean companies like Samsung and our own people!!! How dare you act with such arrogance!!!

[+142, -17] I always got the impression that women who use Galaxies are more practical. They seem like they don't pay mind to the opinions of others while iPhone users seem more self-centered. It's a very Korean trait to caer too much about what others think of you and iPhone users fall right into that type.

[+56, -1] Korean women love men who produce Samsung phones but not men who use Samsung phones

[+35, -0] This woman must not have traveled overseas at all. It's thanks to our company Samsung that Koreans are even regarded as humans in other countries. Just look at the number of Japanese waiting in lines outside of Samsung stores. You'll feel real stupid then.

[+29, -1] This is ridiculous. I'm a woman and love my Galaxy.

[+27, -0] I don't get it. Do people think having an iPhone turns a poor man into a rich man? Ignorance into intelligence? Ugliness to beauty? So stupid how all these biases exist when we're all just using what we prefer.

[+25, -1] Most of the men in my company use Galaxies... from experience, all of the unemployed men are iPhone users

[+24, -0] Yeah, I'm going to take a pass on any woman who judges others based on what phone they use...

[+22, -0] I don't care that the 20s/30s prefer iPhones, that's fine... just don't talk sh*t about a company that has done so much for our country by coming up with some of the best technology in the world


Source: Naver

[+2,043, -19] Great, I can just pass on any woman who judges others like this. Another positive feature of being a Galaxy user ㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,227, -14] It's hypocritical because you know these women would love to date a man who works at Samsung though

[+411, -6] This only makes me want to keep using my Galaxy to filter out women like this ㅋㅋㅋ

[+95, -1] It's so sad to see people with such a lack of self-esteem that they place their own value on their phones of all things... what a shame, tsk tsk tsk. It's just a phone ㅋ

[+71, -1] Another feature of a Samsung phone... filtering out crazy women

[+68, -1] This is pathetic. At least middle/high schoolers have the excuse of immaturity. What're you doing as a college student still caring about such things? tsk tsk tsk

[+67, -0] How little value do you have that you place all your worth on a cell phone... ㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Nate

[+2,240, -92] What a joke ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ women would be up in arms if we called them gold diggers for judging these things

[+2,187, -90] Nothing but a brain filled with poop... take a pass on people like this

[+1,932, -75] At max, an iPhone is like $1,500, that's only three weeks of part-time work, and you're really out here judging a person's worth off of an item like that? Galaxy and iPhone prices aren't even that far off

[+171, -1] How little must you have of your own that you feel superior to others over a phone... pathetic

[+138, -7] All the guys who work at Samsung own Samsung phones ㅋㅋ You girls better not be going on dates with them either then

[+82, -1] Why is she acting as if an iPhone costs $100,000

[+81, -1] The rich guys who work at Samsung use Samsung phones for compatibility...

[+58, -1] Who cares if you have an iPhone if you're uneducated or unemployed?? It's always the ones renting without a home of their own who make sure they have the latest iPhone ㅋㅋ
