More than 50% of some K-Pop girl group songs are in English

 Article: K-Pop with no Korean lyrics... since Black Pink's international success, girl group songs with more English lyrics have become the trend

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

(G)I-DLE had the most English in their lyrics at 53.6%, followed by Le Sserafim at 50.6%, Black Pink at 50%, NMIXX at 49.3%, and New Jeans at 48.4%. IVE had the least amoutn of English at 24.9%. The most common English words used in the lyrics were I, You, Like, and Love. 

It's an 18.9% rise since 2018, with the average of top 400 girl group songs averaging 41.3% English lyrics. Experts attribute the rise to Black Pink's international success, and the MZ generation feeling more comfortable with English in the lyrics. 

Boy groups, on the other hand, only rose 5.3% since 2018, averaging 24.3% English lyrics in 2023. Experts think the difference is in that girl groups are more focused on appealing to the global public whereas boy groups are focused on their domestic fandoms.


[+1,388, -57] This is why I don't listen to whatever's popular these days. I stick to the old songs. If you want to focus on the international market, then release separate music for the international market. What is this...

[+996, -49] It's only K-Pop if you sing in Korean. How can you call a song full of foreign lyrics a K-Pop song?

[+588, -38] Let's be real, BTS didn't achieve their fame because their songs were in English. It was mostly through their perfect choreography. It was thanks to our training system where training our kids into the ground is the norm, whether you're an idol or studying to get into college. The discipline that BTS has achieved would never have been possible if we were as lenient as foreign agencies seem to be. The only reason K-Pop stars have managed to differentiate themselves in the international market is because of their extreme dedication, iron steel mindset that managed to help them survive one of the most competitive societies in the world. Do you really think having more English lyrics will get you more famous? When there are already English singers who have entire songs in English already? Whatever girl groups are thinking they're doing now, it was already done by the Wonder Girls in the past. Whatever you're doing now isn't going to get you to BTS's level.

[+405, -27] I find it more annoying when the English speakers in the group giggle and whisper amongst themselves in English only... it's uncomfortable. 

[+110, -1] No wonder we've got companies over in the US making completely international groups but calling them K-Pop. Do not call yourselves K-Pop if you don't even use Hangeul.

[+90, -0] A tree without roots will whither and die

[+63, -1] The English lyrics aren't even fluent or proper English. It's just a repetition of one or two words. It's more annoying than anything.

[+38, -0] Don't call these songs K-Pop. What a waste of an opportunity to spread our Hangeul around the world.

[+38, -1] Feels wrong to have more than 50% of your lyrics in English

[+28, -2] Since when was foreigners singing in English considered K-Pop? That's ridiculous

[+19, -1] The irony is that both Koreans and Americans have no idea what these English lyrics even mean... all this talk about baby this, baby that
