Jungkook clarifies that he doesn't have a girlfriend

Article: BTS Jungkook refutes dating rumors "I don't have a girlfriend"

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+65, -1] I would expect someone of his age and visuals to have a girlfriend. I'll support him either way.

[+24, -1] Jungkook-ah, you're at an age where it's fine to have a girlfriend. It seems like he's more focused on work than dating so I hope that he gets to meet an amazing woman when he's ready, someone who gives each other strength.. I'll always support Jungkook, you're my only celebrity bias :D

[+22, -0] Just let him date

[+19, -0] Nothing's wrong with dating, it shouldn't be a crime. Not like he's a married man or anything...

[+11, -0] Gguk, you can have a girlfriend..

[+4, -0] I don't have one either

[+3, -0] It's because of all the anti akgaes who make up all these unfounded rumors to spread around, causing people to comment all over his live streams to clarify them. Total stalkers...

[+2, -0] He's at an appropriate age to date... just don't date types like Lee Yoobi... ㅋㅋㅋ 

[+-] What could be better than for him to get to experience loving and break ups and putting those emotions in his beautiful songs. A real Army will turn a blind eye if he ever finds someone who makes him happy.


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+367] But is it not normal to be dating at his age??

[+305] If you're a fan, you should want for the happiness of your singer, right? I hope more fans mature up 

[+172] These guys are human too. Stop caring about their dating life and enough with the fantasy novels about them ever falling in love with you. Just let them live normal, human lives.

[+110] So what if he's dating.. so what if he had a date over at his house.. why the hate ㅠㅠ Don't all of you fans go on dates and break up too? Jungkook must've been hurt by this... ㅠㅠ

[+133] Butt out of the relationships of others;

[+36] Jungkook does not belong to you guys, leave him alone

[+66] How old do his fans think he is? Five?

[+46] Oh, just let him date

[+12] Was there a need to clarify this? ㅠㅠ What a shame.. especially since he's at an age where it should be normal
