BTS's V hater writes public apology asking for leniency

Article: "I'm studying to be a public servant, please forgive me" BTS V's hate commenter writes public apology asking for leniency

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+721] You want to become a public servant and yet you've been spending your time hating on a citizen??? While still expecting to be paid a salary out of the taxes they pay????

[+463] What a joke. Did they think that they're allowed to write hate comments just because they're preparing to become a public servant? Do not give this person leniency. Let them get a taste of the law.

[+308] V-ssi may be a kind person but his agency needs to step up to full force and not give this person any leniency. It's obvious that they're just throwing excuses out there now that they're caught when they weren't so scared to spew out that hate before, were they? They're a coward. I don't want my taxes being put towards the salary of people like them.

[+143] The fact that they're studying to become a public servant makes this doubly wrong. They should've made sure to live their life better than this.

[+175] Aigoo, so much time they have on their hands... and it wasn't just one community but several that they were going around writing hate in. It's clear that this person is very passionate about their hate and anger, and it won't matter what sentence they are given or not given because they'll go straight back to their old antics. Either way, it seems like there needs to be something put on their record so that they're not allowed to cross the line next time...

[+186] The fact that you're studying to be a public servant makes this even more wrong

[+80] Such a useless excuse, like a murderer writing 50 pages of letters to the judge filled with nothing but nonsense

[+35] A public servant should never have this type of mentality. They should be dropped from even applying for the job. You must take responsibility for your actions. Don't blame others for what you're being dealt.

[+45] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Studying to be a public servant but you had all that time on your hands? You could've read an extra page out of your textbook in the time you were writing hate comments, then you might've even gotten a job by now~~

[+19] The fact that they're asking for leniency just to save their own life when they weren't being considerate at all of another's life while writing those hate comments makes this even more unforgivable

[+45] They should not be given any leniency for the fact that they're applying to be a public servant

[+20] Imagine if someone like this actually did become a public servant ㅠ

[+22] No ay that someone wanting to become a public servant could do something so heinous... Hybe now has an obligation to go through with the punishment of this person to keep the futuer of our country safe~!! You give people like this a moment of leniency and they'll prop their heads back up and go back to doing all their evils because our legal system is so weak 😢

[+7] "I did not know hate comments were a crime"?? How do you expect to become a public servant with a brain like that 😂 You thought you could build a good life for yourself while hurting others? Don't give this person leniency 👏👏👏 because they're stupid enough to go right back to writing even more hate comments off the excitement of getting out of this free ㅋㅋㅋ
