'Hangout with Yoo' viewers divided over Daesung's guesting

Article: Viewers divided over guesting of Daesung on 'Hangout with Yoo'

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+228] I feel like people are being especially harsh with Daesung compared to anyone else ㅋㅋㅋㅋ there are a ton of celebrities who are out on TV just fine after committing their crimes

[+243] His crime isn't even that bad compared to the other criminal celebrities on TV
- [+151] The fact that you're thinking this at all.. ㅠㅠ since when did our TV screens become a platform for criminals?
- [+20] It's because of people with mindsets that you that our society is so numb to crimes.. amazing ㅋㅋ

[+257] I do think the show will get more fun if Daesung joins ㅎ he has quite the witty mouth

[+133] Wouldn't it be better to guest a less popular star? What's the point in bringing on someone who's already rich and famous?
- [+62] I mean, there's probably a reason why a less popular star is less popular. If you were the owner of a business, would you want to hire someone with less skills and credentials than someone with more just because you feel bad for them? 

[+135] I think he's a rare celebrity with great character. He was just unlucky~

[+62] I feel bad for him... just let him on the show;;

[+32] Our country's variety shows are being ruined by triggered people... this is why 'Infinity Challenge' was ruined

[+3] What are people saying?.... He was just simply unlucky. He was not drunk driving or under the influence of drugs... go look up his news articles, his accident was truly an unlucky strike. 

[+37] I won't be watching

[+30] I hope to see more of him on TV 🥹

[+35] Eh, what's the big deal when worse criminals are still on TV

[+36] Isn't Daesung okay? 

[+1] Who's next? Seungri?

[+3] He's the building owner of a pr*stitution house
