Attrakt terminates contracts of remaining three Fifty Fifty members

Article: Attrakt sends notice of contract terminations Fifty Fifty's Saena, Sio, and Aran

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+259] I noticed that the members are still being delusional and posting statements on their own Instagrams...

[+159] Attrakt gave them so much opportunities to stop all this, and it seems like they're just looking to get compensated for their losses now...

[+72] Well, Attrakt still has one member left, so they can just get some new ones and creaet Fifty 2

[+47] I didn't even know what their individual names were till now.. ㅋㅋㅋ this is how rock bottom their careers are, why are they choosing a path of even more srtuggle 

[+10] At least one of them is of sound mind

[+36] Imagine giving up a chance at the kind of wealth that most people don't even get to see in a lifetime

[+5] Isn't it good for them if Attrakt terminates their contract? Isn't it what they wanted in the first place?
- [+3] They're only able to keep the Fifty Fifty name for as long as they're under Attrakt. Now they're nothing, just regular people with a bunch of debt. 

[+11] These three are basically as crazy as cult members~~


Source: Issue King TV via YouTube

[+1,100] Life as a non-celebrity is hard enough as it is... and now they're starting it off with a ton of debt. Fighting ><

[+560] Keena really needs to understand this as a life lesson. She was basically pushed off a ledge but thankfully landed in a plush forest. Please learn from this and live your life better.

[+399] These three idiots don't even realize that they started life on hard mode and are now taking it to hell mode. They chose this path so they better hang on tight.

[+166] I'm so glad the members got what they wanted, their contracts terminated just like they asked. 

[+265] I support Keena's solo career from here on out. Just release 'Cupid' with Keena re-recording it all by herself.

[+24] Congratulations to the three idiots. They got what they wanted. Now they're free to do nothing, sing, work, whatever they want. They're free. It must feel so refreshing. They can even walk all around the streets because it's not like anyone will recognize them anyway.

[+191] Next episode of this drama series is probably going to be the three members + their parents = we just did what Ahn Sung Il told us to do, we're innocent, we want to go back to Attrakt
