Attrakt CEO welcomes Keena back and forgives her

Article: Jun Hong Joon CEO on Keena's return to Fifty Fifty, "It's late but I want to forgive her for coming back"

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+234] It is now a battle of the wits!

[+217] I respect him for having the heart to take back a member who betrayed him like that

[+78] I will only support the CEO-nim in all of this 🔥

[+57] I still don't get what led them to do such a thing in the first place. No matter how unfair things were, if they had just held on a little bit more, their lives would be so different right now...

[+35] I honestly hate these traitors but now that she's back, I hope she can do lots of promos and help the CEO get back his investments

[+45] Yeah, she's only back because she realized there's nothing left for them over there....

[+47] As the elders always say, people don't change

[+3] CEO-nim, just take her money and throw her out... you can invest that money on a better idol group. What makes you think that someone who has betrayed you once won't do it again? 

[+3] She's trained the longest out of the four of them... makes me wonder how much the other members had in brainwashing her to leave with them

[+6] So what if she comes back now? EVen if she gets back to promos, she's only going to get more hate for half the popularity she enjoyed before ã…‹

[+9] I'm getting tired of all of this now. I just want a summary of the final results at the end of it all. 


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,011] It's too late for her, she's better off just returning to normal life

[+171] I don't even trust her as a soloist. She basically threw the other members away to try and survive on her own. Her image is just too far gone at this point.

[+133] Betrayal upon betrayals ã…‹ã…‹ they're writing a K-Drama at this point

[+126] She still has a chance at gaining our trust back if she testifies to everything that happened

[+255] She's the oldest with the longest time spent as a trainee. She knows the CEO best out of all of them, so why did she go with such rotten people 😂

[+453] Always shocking to me to see their pictures. They're lucky their song was as viral as it was because if you compare them to IVE or New Jeans... just... they need to know their place. 

[+9] Stabbing someone in the back the first time is hard... but it's easier the second time

[+17] What makes anyone think she wouldn't betray him a second time?

[+309] Yeah, I don't think the public is interested in her whether she's back or not

[+55] Now they're split internally, they're such a mess ã…‹ã…‹

[+147] To think that there's still a traitor among traitors ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
