Are drug scandals impacting K-Culture's image internationally?

Article: Drug scandals erupt in celebrity industry... concerns of 'K-Culture' image being tarnished

Source: YTN via Naver

[+141, -4] This is beyond the importance of Korean culture's status in the rest of the world. What we need is a revamping of our society, even if that means flipping the celebrity industry upside down. We have to uncover all of the disgust that lies underneath it all to finally start to make things right.

[+84, -4] As you can see from the Burning Sun scandal, the industry is already rife of drugs, pr*stitution, assault, and gambling. They just choose to bury and protect their own. I don't like YG for that reason.

[+36, -1] It's only through uncovering all of it that we can secure a future for K-Culture at all...

[+28, -0] So what point is the article trying to make? That we should stop trying to uncover all the scandals in the industry for the sake of keeping K-Culture's image clean to the rest of the world? We should be more concerned with getting to the root of all these drug scandals plaguing our society.

[+8, -1] Nope, you gotta cut the rotten bits off to grow something healthy and strong. If we don't take care of these scandals now, it's just going to keep rotting the industry.

[+6, -2] Yeah, I don't really think GD being caught up in a drug scandal is going to impact K-Culture's image at all ㅋㅋㅋ does the reporter think we're still living in 2010 or something? ㅋㅋㅋ

[+5, -1] K-Culture's image should be upheld by the celebrities themselves. The more we let these scandals get buried, the bigger the smudge will grow.

[+2, -0] Important to note that in other countries, singers or actors don't get kicked out of their industries just because they did drugs. If anything, it's probably harder to find a Hollywood actor or singer who doesn't have a history of drugs. As if anyone abroad actually cares about K-Culture's "image" ㅋㅋㅋ
