More classmates post in defense of Kim Hieora's iljin accusations
Source: Everyday Economy via Naver
[+343, -30] It seems you really do reap what you sow. If she had really been an iljin who bullied her classmates, so many wouldn't be stepping up to defend her right now. The truly bullies have all been ruined by their victims' accounts, while Kim Hieora is getting classmates to clear up misunderstandings and show their support. I'm sure she's been going through a lot of emotional suffering over this so I hope the controversy is put to rest soon.
[+226, -16] Disappointed in Dispatch...
[+206, -19] But don't all schools have these types of students? The kids who hang out with the more rebellious groups but don't actually partake in any of the bad stuff? Some of them are even quite studious as well.
[+72, -6] Our country has become a field of witch hunts this year
[+29, -7] If she has so many friends coming to her defense now, I'm more inclined to believe that she was a decent person back then
[+21, -1] It'd be easy to believe that these "friends" could be people paid off by her agency to speak positively of her, but with most school bullying scandals, it's usually more victims who come forward to damn the celebrity in question, and yet Kim Hieora just gets more and more classmates in defense of her. I'm choosing to stay neutral.
[+22, -3] I don't think it's fair to accuse this classmate of posting this just because Kim Hieora might've paid her off. They are still a victim of bullying and refusing to believe their story is quite malicious.
[+21, -2] School bullying is bad but condemning someone in a witch hunt without enough evidence is also just as bad. We should all stay quiet until the facts are uncovered instead of jumping around like wild animals.
[+19, -1] The only real evidence that she might've been an iljin is that she was in that Big Sangji or whatever group, whereas there are all these classmates coming forward trying to prove the opposite. People should just stay neutral in this situation. Stop accusing these people of being fake or made up.
[+17, -2] What agency is Kim Hieora under? They're doing a good job.
[+17, -4] Staying neutral
[+12, -2] Her agency is hard at work with the clean-up on this
Source: Issue King TV via YouTube
[+619] Our country needs to learn to stay neutral
[+655] Gives me goosebumps to see people hate on her at first and now claiming to be all "neutral"
[+432] Whatever the case, it was kind of Kim Hieora to invite a loner to come eat lunch with her
[+223] And this is why we should always try to remain neutral...
[+138] And all of this can still be overturned so everyone needs to just stay neutral
[+145] This country will do anything but be neutral
[+218] Yeah, sometimes there are iljins who aren't necessarily all bad... I remember an iljin friend in my high school years that I felt grateful to...
[+54] Those Big Sangji members are proving their loyalty by showing up for her like this ㅋㅋㅋ
Source: Naver
[+533, -174] Wait, so just because she became friends with her, the bullying ceased? So suddenly? That just further proves that she was probably an iljin~~
[+266, -42] Yeah, iljins are usually known to be kind to one another ㅋㅋ
[+173, -26] This is why you need to hear stories from every side
[+169, -38] Good stories are good stories but school bullying is also still school bullying. Just because she did something nice doesn't make her past as a school bully disappear. Honestly, yes, there are some iljin members who will help out other classmates, but that doesn't mean that what they did to another classmate just disappears. Everyone from both sides needs to stop pointing fingers and either come out with concrete evidence or countersue if she wants to prove her evidence.
[+122, -40] I don't know. I think because there isn't any concrete evidence, she's trying to get away with calling herself a bystander, but if we all look back on our own school years, we know that those who hung out with iljin groups at all still held a certain amount of intimidation.
[+52, -4] I think it's true that she may have hung out with those kinds of kids but she never necessarily bullied anyone or anything. There's not one witness who claims to be directly bullied by her, and the other stories can hardly count as school bullying.. There are more stories of classmates who claim she helped improve their lives. I just think she was one of those students who really stuck out in her class and everyone has some memory of.
[+43, -3] Her agency is hard at work ㅋㅋ
[+44, -7] There's all these rumors but not one actual victim? ㅎㅎ Let's stop this witch hunt
[+27, -1] We are no different from those iljins if we are witch hunting someone without any evidence