ATTRAKT releases audio recordings in Fifty Fifty dispute

Video: ATTRAKT releases audio recordings, Fifty Fifty's current state

Source: Issue King TV via YouTube

[+541] Wow, he sold his watch, his car, along with a 90 million won investment from his elderly mother, all that to be left with betrayal... what lonely fight has the Attrakt CEO been fighting all this while? My heart breaks for him. 

[+322] Fifty Fifty felt so fresh and different... We all know how incredibly difficult it is for a smaller agency to make it in this industry, which is what made me support them more.. How unfortunate all of this became.

[+215] Probably one of the most famous cases of a group that shot to stardom just to sink just as quickly...

[+208] Even with audio recordings at hand, the members continue to deny... Imagine if these recordings never existed and how much more they would've gotten away with?

[+189] This is why audio evidence is so important..

[+179] It's not like anyone can even recognize the members' faces. Just switch out all the members and debut the group again.

[+157] I don't even believe them when they say Attrakt didn't do anything for them. Their first album flopped, and they're only on their second album now but are dorming in a place with three rooms and two bathrooms. Back then, GOD had to starve because they couldn't even afford one ramen, and the Brown Eyed Girls lived in one room together. Also, Fifty's CEO gave them a two-month break because one member got sick. I'm sure the CEO would rather use that time to promote them with all the headlines they were getting, but he still prioritized their health and let them rest. 

[+141] If I invested every cent I owned into believing them until the very end just to be betrayed like this... I don't know that I'd continue to want to live anymore. I hope that the CEO doesn't think bad thoughts and finds strength.. ㅠ

[+138] What breaks my heart is that despite the CEO giving them everything he had, the traitor-dols kept putting out statements to try and demonize the CEO, but the CEO never countered any of it because he probably wanted to get them back and keep their future together whole. He never blamed them in any of his statements.
- [+8] It's already over for the group. Image is everything for these idols and they've tarnished it. Plus, the members have zero star potential, so it's just game over now. 

[+110] Just make sure this agency wins the lawsuit and that these four members are exiled from the industry for good. Even animals don't betray their own handlers like this. They deserve to disappear. 

[+97] ... The members aren't even talented, or good at singing, or that beautiful... They got popular off of one good song, and they really thought ㅋㅋ

[+93] No matter what direction Fifty Fifty takes from here, they're at a loss. I would've just stayed with the CEO if I were them. Unless he was physically abusing them, contract terms exist for a reason. 

[+78] So the recorded conversation is fact and Ahn Sung Il's statement is just a claim.

[+71] The members are so stupid because it's not like it's guaranteed that they're going to get support in another agency. They'll have to compete against that agency's other groups for promo time. Their current agency only has one group - themselves - so they'd be getting all the support they need. I doubt any agency is going to want them now with how badly their image has tanked in the industry.... 

[+60] What do Koreans hate the most? Traitors of the hand who fed you.

[+48] It seems even the agency has decided to split ways with the Fifty Fifty members judging by how they've decided to release the audio recordings. I just hope that they can get their investments back from the current members and are able to re-debut a new Fifty group.

[+42] If Fifty wins this lawsuit, there will be no place for small agencies in K-Pop anymore

[+32] Looking forward to seeing the members on those YouTube channels like "what is XXX up to now?"

[+31] The members are problematic but the external force is the real evil in all of this

[+30] They really just dug their own grave, huh ㅋㅋㅋ I had no idea even the members were like this
