Yoo Jae Suk becomes third largest shareholder in Antenna

Article: Yoo Jae Suk becomes Antenna's third largest shareholder with 3 billion won investment

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+602] Yoo Jae Suk has always advocated for broadcast channels to create more shows that promote junior variety stars, so this seems like a move where he's personally stepping in and making sure that happens. It's not like he can be a TV personality forever, so maybe he wants to move into producing.

[+150] I see some comments accusing him of trying to act "ordinary" on TV while still having money like this to throw around but he's already said multiple times on shows that he's invested in stocks. I also see people accusing him of investing in a company known for plagiarism but Yoo Jae Suk is a variety content producer and has nothing to do with their music department. 

[+142] This is a good move on his part. It's time that he starts investing in juniors and training them to come up.

[+80] Antenna is a company that got listed off of plagiarism

[+50] I hope he grows the company into one that becomes a stepping stone for juniors without opportunities~~ 👏

[+48] I'm sure he sees the potential in the artists under the company. I wish Antenna the best!! 👏👏

[+42] I feel like this shows his character. This company was built off of someone who plagiarized, I don't know why you'd go into business with them this deep..

[+25] I feel like they're just dumping money into the company hoping to recover Yoo Hee Yeol's image. It reminds me of those politicians who get into hot waters so they change parties or pretend to create a new party that will "revolutionize" everything but it's the same person, same network ㅋ Yoo Jae Suk's 3 billion won investment is going to go straight into promoting the same names we've always seem...

[+10] Why is he hanging out with a plagiarizer like Yoo Hee Yeol? Doesn't seem like a smart business decision. 
