'Running Man' viewers are fed up with Song Ji Hyo coasting on the show

Video: Running Man Song Ji Hyo gets into biggest attitude controversy yet, viewers are angry

Source: Issue Feed + Issue King via YouTube

[+199] I watch every episode but I do have to admit Song Ji Hyo barely gets any screentime anymore. She had some chemistry with Kwang Soo back when he was still on but now she doesn't even have that to rely on, and the love line with Kim Jong Guk hasn't been working out either so there's not much for her to do

[+113] I do have to admit that she seems very different from how she used to be in past episodes

[+74] Other than her love lines and being the 'ace,' she was never the funny type so now that all of her character elements are gone, I can see why viewers are getting bored of her... though I do think I'll be sad if she ever does decide to leave. It's unfortunate that she's going through something but fighting.

[+46] 'Running Man' fans aren't asking a lot from Song Ji Hyo. We're just asking that she stop spacing out in the middle of filming, making bored facial expressions, staring at her phone... just please pretend to at least be trying. It's been years since she's basically given up while being paid thousands per episode. Does she think the other members don't have other things going on? Kim Jong Guk has a sickly mother, Haha's daughter is battling a rare disease, and Ji Suk Jin hasn't been getting paid by his agency either, but they've all been working hard without letting their emotions show on the screen. Please gain a sense of professionalism, especially when the 'Running Man' paychecks have been found to be going straight into your bank accounts. If you can't handle this anymore, please step down, not only for your sake but for the sake of the members and viewers as well.

[+38] I don't know how you can expect someone to stay the exact same for 10 years, though.. 

[+30] She's supposed to be an actor anyway so maybe it's best she step down and focus on her acting career instead

[+24] Song Ji Hyo fighting, please don't leave the show...

[+20] She's older now, it's unfair to expect the same kind of spunk that she had when she was younger... but I do think it's time that she considers stepping down from the show.

[+17] I totally don't think viewers are just hating to hate because I always thought her character wasn't really necessary anymore. She kind of cuts the fun in half and says cringy things. I heard she's paid tens of thousands per episode, so do you really think her performance is worth all that? Not at all. You could use her paycheck towards creating a fun game room instead. 

[+15] I don't know why people keep trying to make Song Ji Hyo an exception. The other members all have busy schedules as well but still make an effort to work hard and make viewers laugh on the show. Why are Song Ji Hyo fans so quick to defend her? Her attitude and lack of work ethic has been an ongoing issue for over five years already... and 'Running Man' viewers are finally fed up and saying something about it. If you had a co-worker on your team who did nothing to help out but you still had to carry them for over five years, would you be so understanding?....

[+10] Her male co-stars work so hard to try to get good screen time but Song Ji Hyo does nothing... she just sits there like a flower someone planted in. 

[+8] She's only lasted this long because she got on the Gary/Kim Jong Guk bus anyway...

[+7] She needs to do some monitoring. She has to watch herself to realize what her issue is. 

[+6] Why does she bother staying on the show if she's just going to sleep on it? It just seems like a way for her to keep easy money coming on. 
