Korean gyopo family among victims killed in Texas mall mass shooting

Article: Korean gyopo couple and their three-year-old son a part of casualties of Texas mass shooting

Source: Chosun Ilbo via Nate

[+852, -17] Such a tragic thing to happen to a family just now setting roots and gaining footing...

[+817, -23] America's a country where you can study hard, get a good job, start a happy family... and lose it all at once like this...

[+778, -15] America's such a difficult country to live in because of their guns

[+28, -2] I don't get how they haven't banned guns yet, these shootings keep happening

[+26, -1] Life feels so empty

[+18, -0] Breaks my heart. All in one day ㅠㅠ and their five-year-old is hospitalized in critical condition... Even if that child wakes up, they will want to know where their mother, father, and dongsaeng are...

[+17, -0] Wow, the parents were a lawyer and dentist.. their kids were going to grow up to be elite as well, but it was all lost in a moment.. This is heartbreaking.

[+15, -0] With all these shootings over there, I think we should think twice about sending kids to study abroad, and cut back on vacations... Ever since Trump's administration, drugs and guns have gotten so bad over there.

[+14, -1] Way too many shootings over there... what did the victims do to deserve any of this...

[+13, -3] I knew a family who moved to the US and started a laundromat there and later heard that the ajusshi got shot in the head and died... It sucks to hear of families leaving for a better life only to suffer tragedies like this.

[+11, -1] If guns were allowed in our country, we'd probably have hundreds, thousands of deaths a day too

[+11, -1] Who could have ever known that a quick trip to the mall before church would end up in the whole family being gunned down to death.. this is the kind of country America is

[+10, -0] So crazy to me that they allow guns when they can't even manage them

[+10, -0] I really wonder what their reasoning is for allowing guns when it's this bad;;;


Source: Nate

[+1,785, -15] My heart breaks. How can the child left behind live on without them...

[+1,278, -14] The US is an amazing country... so many people die to guns every year... and yet they still sell guns in their supermarkets~

[+821, -9] Even until her last breath, the mother was probably only thinking of her child's life. This is so unfortunate.

[+73, -0] A six-year-old left all alone.. I'm glad he's alive but so sad that he's lost his parents and dongsaeng.

[+64, -0] My heart breaks. He is a life that his mother protected with all she had.. I hope he lives on ㅠㅠ

[+60, -0] For the rest of this child's life, I hope that there is no more suffering and struggle... Losing his parents and his dongsaeng was enough. Just grow up healthy and strong. Child, we'll remember you.

[+39, -0] The US can hardly be called a first world country

[+29, -0] Can you really call a country like this first world when you can't even go to the mall without the fear of being shot to death?

[+26, -1] If only fate had left one parent behind, how could fate be so cruel ㅜ My heart breaks for this child. May they rest in peace.

[+25, -0] A mother who's a dentist, a father who's a lawyer, this child had nothing but a flower path to walk on for the rest of his life until some piece of trash took it all away from him...

[+23, -0] I don't understand how Americans can just live like this... They must all have hearts made of steel.
