Broadway stars celebrate the retirement of Korean sandwich store of 40 years

Article: Musical actors celebrate closing of a Korean sandwich store of 40 years

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

[+1,340, -17] Jealous of their culture like this

[+1,205, -25] Americans have so much 'jung' for foreigners. Instead of just letting the store close as a passing thought, it's so nice of them to throw a closing party. I wish them all health and happiness.

[+1,039, -11] You've worked hard. I wish you a healthy life.

[+81, -0] This is making me tear up. He worked there for 14 hours a day, all week long... especially when it must've been difficult as it is as an immigrant. So much respect. May he live the rest of his life in happiness.

[+68, -1] He looks great for 71. He's so handsome now so I can imagine he must've been quite dashing back when he was younger.

[+54, -1] This is the type of American culture that we can all learn from!!! Something that doesn't exist in our own culture~ We're too busy chasing out small businesses instead of appreciating the people behind these stores

[+39, -2] You worked hard!!! What an amazing life they've lived

[+34, -0] There's so much 'jung' and loyalty within American communities. Good work to them :)

[+33, -0] We should learn this kind of humanity from Americans... instead of ripping each other apart like we are now. We're all suffering from low self-esteem and taking out our jealousy on each other...

[+29, -9] This reminds me of when a stationery store closed and all the students from the schools around it came and celebrated it

[+21, -0] They worked seven days a week, they practically dedicated all their lives to making sandwiches..

[+20, -2] Americans have so much 'jung' when you think about it

[+17, -1] To have worked in one spot for 40 years... that's amazing

[+14, -0] A part of American culture we should learn from it. Good work to them 👍

[+10, -0] So different from our culture... we often don't even know who lives right next to us

[+9, -1] I know Americans like to say that Koreans are a culture of 'jung' but it seems to be less so these days... if anything, Americans have more 'jung' than we do.
