27-year-old woman attacks former co-worker with a bat for calling her an ajumma

Article: 27-year-old employee takes a bat to former co-worker for calling her an 'ajumma'

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+220] I'm a 37-year-old ajumma myself... and just because a 21-year-old calls you, a 27-year-old, an ajumma does not make you an ajumma. No sane person would take a bat to anyone and threaten their life with it. It's clear that she's mentally unwell so I'm surprised to see comments defending her.

[+189] She must've had some deep complexes about her beauty ㅠ

[+149] I smell something fishy from the victim.. I wouldn't put all the blame on the attacker..

[+125] I'm sure once you investigate her, there were other issues going on in her life that caused her to take such action. It's a bit of a ridiculous situation to take at face value and judge her for it 😢

[+100] So many people take things to the extreme lately 🤔

[+83] If you get so mad at being called an ajumma, isn't that basically admitting that you're an ajumma? 

[+69] So many craze people in this world...

[+58] I'm sure being called an ajumma was what tipped her over the edge but this seems more like a situation where grievances about her company were building up well before this incident. Not that that justifies her actions. 

[+51] We should all be careful with our words to one another

[+37] So they're 27 and 21, that's a pretty big age gap. For someone so much younger than you to act all annoying and calling you an ajumma.. I'd get a bat too. For a 21-year-old to already be acting like this, I can tell that they never received basic care at home...
- [+7] Okay ajumma

[+35] And yet men are called "ajusshi" the second they step foot in the army...

[+26] Seems to be a common occurrence lately... people that just jump to drastic actions. I'm sure there's a story to this as well but both parties seem to be at fault here. They could've handled this better ㅠㅠ

[+25] The other party is not without blame. They purposely called someone an ajumma to emphasize how much younger they are. There's really no reason to call a 27-year-old an ajumma otherwise. No one stays young forever, and this person should reflect on themselves. Of course, I'm not justifying the actions of the older party. Seems so difficult to find normal people these days..

[+23] A lack of anger management

[+22] I don't think it's the "ajumma" that tipped her over. She was probably already angry over something and the co-worker was just being annoying about it and her rage just got out of control. Either way, both parties are weird~

[+13] GTA Korea

[+9] Most people don't care about being called an ajumma if they're not really an ajumma... she has anger issues

[+7] Quite rude of the 21-year-old to be behaving like that

[+4] Well~ I'm sure there's more to the story but judging off the headline alone, I'm left to think just how annoying that former co-worker must've been to her for her to go this far

[+4] We're all going to end up ajummas anyway... sigh

[+4] I came in thinking that the attacker probably had a lot of anger built up against the co-worker, and it seems I wasn't the only one who thought that. We should all try to be kinder to one another or you may end up on the receiving end of such an attack. 


Do you feel bad when you are called an "ajumma"?

Thirties - Yes 64%

Forties - Yes 60.2%

Fifties - Yes 44.6%

Sixties - Yes 32.2%

At what age is someone an "ajumma"?

Forties - 29.7%

Fifties - 23%

Forty-five - 14.3%

Sixties - 11.2%

What determines if someone is an "ajumma"?

Looks - 35.4%

Marriage - 26.6%

Age - 25.1%

Career - 6.6%

Wealth - 4.8%

Others - 1.5%
