Rose reps refute rumors of drug use from Chinese sources

Article: Black Pink's Rose, to take legal action against Chinese rumors of drug use

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram + Naver

[+96] None of you better be messing with our Human Saint Laurent;;

[+43] Why would anyone believe rumors from China

[+41] Pisses me off. Leave Black Pink alone. I get that you're all desperate to drag them down from the top but the more desperate you all are, the more successful they'll be ㅋㅋ

[+41] YG has had so many drug scandals and illegal activities that people are just making up rumors thinking anyone will believe it

[+18] Wait, why is Kang Dong Won blurred out though ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+11] Ugh, that's so terrible. Sue them all.

[+3] Why does Chinac are so much about Korean girl groups ㅋ I'll never believe anything from a Chinese source anyway ㅎㅎ

[+3] It's YG after all

[+1] And what is this load of bullsh*t
