Nam Joo Hyuk embroiled in another round of school bullying rumors

Article: Nam Joo Hyuk's agency responds to 'sparring video' claiming school violence

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+931] "There's no evidence but seeing rumors keep coming up makes me inclined to believe them" these comments scare me.. Remember when Tablo was under controversy for faking his degrees? And no matter how much he proved that he got his degrees, people still wouldn't stop and he was made out to be a liar? I hope we stop these witch hunts where we hunt people down without any real evidence. 

[+121] Nam Joo Hyuk is constantly getting into these school violence issues, and I'm starting to think that there's no smoke without fire. I think the others are right in that he never participated in the bullying outright but was involved with a group that did such things, which means he may never have bullied anyone himself but was an a bystander to the bullying, which I don't think is anything to brush under the rug either. 

[+83] Wasn't he involved in other school bullying rumors earlier? 

[+426] This guy really can't get away from all these school bullying rumors

[+155] What's with these comments;; nothing's been revealed to be true yet but look at you all jumping on the hate;; so many rumors flying around. Are you going to say sorry when the rumors get debunked? There have been so many celebrity bullying cases where investigations actually discovered that no such bullying actually happened. I won't believe anything without hard evidence. 

[+60] Why wait this long to expose him, though? If I was a real victim, I would've screwed him over the second he debuted... It just feels like people are starting to get jealous of his fame and are finding any excuse to drag him down. 

[+58] Honestly, the evidence is weak at best, and we should just let the parties involved handle it through the law. All we need to do is wait for legal results. There may be a lot of school bullying scandals but there are a lot of false alarms as well...

[+57] So if he was a part of a group of bullies... does being a bystander make you a bully too? or no?
- [+2] If being a bystander is a crime, then most students in classrooms are criminals too

[+214] Just stay neutral and wait to hear from both sides

[+28] I'm staying neutral for now

[+396] Not just one victim but three... I'm honestly suspicious now. If he truly had a clean school slate, I don't think these rumors would keep cropping up. 

[+23] Being a bystander may not make you the actual bully but you're still a participant of indirect bullying.. 😢

[+16] Just stay neutral. Stay neutral for Pyo Yerim's scandal as well. It's not late to cast criticism after results are out. 

[+12] Can people just listen;; if they're denying it, they're denying it

[+11] He claims that he didn't do anything, that he doesn't remember, and yet these victims keep coming forward... I suppose only he knows the truth in the end. My only hope is he reflects back on his past, not necessarily to come forward and admit to it all, but you know.. I also think it wasn't very nice of him to enlist right away when all of this was going on either. 

[+10] So I don't think he was the one doing the actual bullying but was an indirect participant by being involved with the group. Though I'm sure that doesn't matter to the victim who's suffering all the same. 

[+5] His last bullying scandal got buried, now here's another one.. what is the truth 
