Lee Jung Jae reveals 'The Acolyte' is a series he couldn't turn down

Article: Lee Jung Jae "Who could turn down Star Wars?"

Source: Donga Ilbo via Naver

[+228, -8] I hope he practices up on his English lines and delivers well

[+197, -19] It's pretty obvious that he was only cast to tick off a race box in their quest to seem PC.

[+107, -7] I don't think he could've ever imagined such an opportunity in his career, especially Star Wars... congratulations 🎉🎊👏

[+38, -6] How bizarre it must feel... to debut as a kendoist on 'Sandglass' and to now be starring as a Jedi light-saberist on Star Wars. Congratulations.

[+21, -0] He has quite a lot of luck in his life

[+15, -1] I've noticed with a lot of the Korean actors who get into Hollywood... that they barely get any lines and are stuck in ambiguous, secondary-type roles. The most lines they ever get is something like "wow!"

[+10, -2] He really knows how to live it up... Shot to stardom with 'Sandglass'.. seemed to hit peak with 'Squid Game' but now he's breaking through that ceiling with 'Star Wars.' Who knows what's next for him? As a fan, I can't wait..

[+8, -0] "Who could turn down Star Wars?" what a statement

[+9, -2] Who cares if he's not fluent in English. Star Wars is about the stars in the galaxy, why would English be the universal language anyway. 

[+8, -3] So proud to see so many Korean stars shining bright all over the world. Fighting to all of our entertainers!

[+5, -0] I feel like we have a ton more actors who are more talented than him, though...

[+5, -0] I still remember him as the kendoist body guard of Go Hyun Jung... but it'll be a light saber now!

[+5, -1] Chaebol girlfriend, movie hit daebak, CFs hit daebak, new Star Wars casting... he's got all the luck in the world..
