A run-down of Lee Da In's many dresses and accessories at her wedding

Article: 'Lee Seung Gi's soulmate' Lee Da In, what wedding dress did she pick, and from which brands?

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

[+1,235, -32] Shameless of her... but if she was ever the type to be mindful of any of her family's victims, she wouldn't be showing off like this in the first place, right?

[+947, -37] I don't understand wanting to put on such a lavish wedding with money made off the backs of other people's suffering.. Is this family not able to live their lives more humbly? Without showing off their wealth to this extreme? This also puts Lee Seung Gi in a new light, since I'm sure we didn't expect anything less from Kyeon Miri's family...

[+798, -39] Her dress is really just not pretty. It's expensive but you'd never be able to tell.

[+606, -28] She wore three different dresses... and yet not one of them looked good on her, how odd

[+276, -0] This isn't the kind of wedding I expected Lee Seung Gi to throw... Perhaps he's a different person than what we're used to seeing on screen.

[+272, -3] At times of scandal like this, it probably would've been better to just go with a simple look, like Go Hyun Jung's elegant dress, and keep the whole affair private. That see-through dress really drops her class down a notch, and the overly-big tiara makes her look like a new money braggart. It's not like anyone wanted to congratulate them anyway but seeing their lavish display like this just turns me off even more.

[+178, -8] Definitely would've been better for them to hold a small, private wedding along with a donation to a charity organization. Unfortunately, the thousands she's spent on these dresses and that tiara have failed to live up to their worth. If anything, the simple dresses worn by Lee Hyori or Lee Na Young have left a more impactful impression than any of these looks...

[+171, -1] I've never seen a wedding so hated by everyone. 

[+172, -4] The dresses are so over-the-top flashy that it actually makes her look so tacky. She would've looked better in something cheaper and cleaner.

[+151, -2] This whole wedding just screams of "smothered in money"

[+132, -4] That first dress looks like a curtain I had in my old house, the second dress is way too over-the-top, and the second dress made me wonder if she's wearing underwear?!


Article: Lee Seung Gi's wife Lee Da In, the tiara worn at her wedding's massive price tag... specially produced in LA

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+266] The dress, tiara, and flower bouquet all look decent separately but put them all together and it's just too much... It's like she was so desperate to show everyone how rich and expensive her tastes are.

[+211] She knows she's getting all this hate over her family's money and yet she still chooses to go through with a wedding that puts all that money on full display... 

[+200] Sell some of your dresses and give back to the 300,000 people who lost money in your family's scam. Over 30 people commit s*icide... No one here is envious of your money-smothered wedding. 

[+158] Her whole wedding look just feels like she's trying to scream "I have so much f*cking money!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really showing it all off now!!!!"... Yeah, we all know you're rich. You should know with the current public sentiment about you that you should've just kept things small and private..

[+70] So tacky

[+46] It would've been fine if all of this looked good on her but it just didn't

[+40] She has a more simple look so a simple dress with a smaller tiara would've looked better

[+38] Her whole look is a display of her greed. She wanted a humongous tiara, along with a dress that made her sparkle from head to toe, big pearl earrings, along with a bouquet... and she didn't want to cut back on any one of those elements. Her greed covers her from head to toe. 

[+32] A smaller tiara would've been prettier~~ she went too far

[+13] She's free to wear what she wants but.. none of these are good looks..

[+12] The tiara is all we could see... when a wedding look should emphasize the bride's face

[+7] Such a lavish wedding paid off the backs of dead people
