'The Glory' PD Ahn Gil Ho admits to school bullying, issues apology asking for forgiveness

Article: 'The Glory' PD admits to bullying, apologizes

Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

1. [+2,529, -218] Let's please not call something like this "bullying", it takes attention away from the severity of real bullying cases that require punishment

2. [+1,655, -140] Beating someone up once isn't really bullying.. it's just assault. Bullying requires intent and repetition.

3. [+1,020, -127] Honestly speaking, if kids four years younger than me were making fun of me with my name, I'd want to beat them up too

4. [+891, -47] Didn't the other kids commit verbal violence by making fun of his name and teasing his friends? But yeah! That's probably nothing but youthful immaturity, just a joke, right? No ill intentions, obviously!

5. [+863, -39] It makes me laugh that his ex-girlfriend is coming out now like "it wasn't that bad" ㅋㅋㅋ So 30 years ago, she had no problem with her boyfriend defending her but now she wants him to apologize? ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+277, -7] I just don't see this as a case of bullying... Students four years younger than him were making fun of his name, it makes sense to me that him and his fellow seniors would teach them a lesson. His ex-girlfriend is also so ridiculous... she's the one who tattled on her friends and is now defending them? She's the absolute worst...

7. [+254, -5] Let's get it straight: Ahn PD is the one who was made fun of first for his name. His ex-girlfriend is also the one who tattled on her friends to him. Now all of them are ganging up on Ahn PD. It's also not the ex-girlfriend to decide whether the "teasing was not that bad" or not because I'd be pissed too if kids four years younger than me were harassing me with my name. Violence is not the answer but the other group should realize that they also committed verbal violence.

8. [+134, -1] This happened decades ago, please just figure it out amongst yourselves. This isn't a case of bullying at all and claiming that it is only takes away from the real Moon Dong Euns of this world. 

9. [+132, -2] I don't mean to defend the use of violence at all but why are we glossing over the fact that a group of middle schoolers were making fun of a high school senior over his name? Have they reflected over that? Or are they teaching their own kids now that it's okay to make fun of people with their names? Please realize that you people are the ones who started it. And yes, violence is never the answer.

10. [+130, -2] So the boys were in middle school at the time, making them around 15 years old... And these 15 year olds were going up to a 19 year old and making fun of his name Ahn Gil Ho as "Ahn Gil Uh (it's short)... I don't think I could ever forgive that no matter how close we are. How is that a joke that we're all supposed to laugh over???? I bet you 100% they knew what they were saying and they knew that they were making fun of his g*nital size. So it was okay at the time for them to s*xually harass a senior hyung and they expected him to just hold it in and not do anything about it? Any fool on this earth would beat them back up. And man, these "victims" sure have nothing better to do in their old age than dig up middle school fights like this.


Source: Naver

1. [+70, -17] It was a one time thing, it's hard to call this a case of school bullying, no? It just seems like a simple fight. Yes, it was wrong of him to throw fists but why would you expect a hormonal 19 year old to just sit there and let a bunch of kids call him "small" down there? ㅋ I kind of get it.

2. [+44, -13] So they teased him and he went and lynched them for two hours, how does that not count as school violence?? Please stop shielding him... this is the problem with our country. We will always shield those we hold in favor.

3. [+18, -3] Man, seeing all sorts of shields come out today. Two middle schoolers were beaten up for two hours by a group of high schoolers, threatened to be stabbed, and more assault afterwards... how is that not school violence? Are all of you defending him school bullies yourself?

4. [+15, -0] It may have happened 27 years ago but it's still in his best interest to just admit that he was wrong and apologize to the victims. We must show that school violence can never be hidden in the past and that the famous cannot bury it as they choose. School violence is just that... something that can never be forgotten by the victims even if the bullies already have.

5. [+15, -5] 1996... those were different times. No time for conversations. Stare at anyone for longer than three seconds and fists would already be flying. Students hung out in groups and were ready to pick fights at a moment's notice. That was just life back then, and no one thought it was weird. Though yeah, that kind of behavior is problematic now.
