Netflix's new K-thriller movie 'Unlocked' is sizing up to be another hit

Article: "Goosebumps the entire time"... K-contents hits #2 global on Netflix again just two days after release

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+125] It's funny calling this 'K-Content' when the original is a Japanese novel... before we hate on China for ripping us off, let's make sure we're calling things right first

2. [+72] It started off pretty chill before the story started skipping around in the middle and the ending felt rushed

3. [+63] Im Siwan's psychopath acting was so good 👍

4. [+9] I remember reading the original novel and feeling so scared because they're all things that can actually happen to you..

5. [+14] This is actually so scary, I kept having to hide while watching 😢😢😢

6. [+12] Evil Jang Geurae-ssi...

7. [+20] Im Siwan's always had such a reserved vibe to his image so seeing him in such a goosebump-inducing role is worthy of nothing but applause

8. [+23] It's way better than the original Japanese work! The Korean actors are so much better at acting and the directing is a lot better as well!

9. [+6] It's based off of a Japanese novel

10. [+1] I just watched it, it was great.. 👏👏
