'The Glory' continues to spark discussions around religion and reforming school laws

Article: An international embarrassment... 'The Glory' unveils the absurdity of Christianity in Korea

Source: Oh My news via Naver

1. [+2,798, -179] According to a friend who attends church religiously, they said that you will go to hell no matter how piously you've lived your life if you don't attend church, and that you will go to heaven no matter how much evil you've committed as long as you repent in church. After hearing that explanation, I've realized that Christianity is an unnecessary religion.

2. [+2,273, -61] It makes me remember someone I knew who would do wrong against me but ask for forgiveness from their church.. that God will forgive them as long as they repent. That person made me realize that there is no God.. because if a God truly existed, such hypocrites would not get to live such shameless lives.

3. [+1,598, -72] There is no God in church, just pastors and their followers

4. [+1,332, -42] This reminds me of a scene in the movie 'Secret Sunshine'... when Jun Do Yeon goes to church after her young son was kidnapped and murdered. She goes to forgive only to realize that the murderer had already prayed and received forgiveness from God for his actions, and she falls apart upon seeing his arrogance over the fact.

5. [+323, -14] This wouldn't necessarily be the blame of Christianity but the people who maliciously misinterpret the word of the bible to fit their own needs

6. [+218, -22] From what I've experienced in my own life, the people I've encountered with the nastiest attitudes are usually people who attend church religiously

7. [+167, -17] I can't help but see any Christian through a biased lens. Anyone who claims to be a pastor makes me think they're just a scammer as well... I've just never seen any normal person who attends church from my experience.

8. [+145, -13] The thing about Korean churches is that they don't believe in Jesus but their pastor. And the absurd logic that you're going to hell if you don't attend church does weird things to people's brains. 

9. [+131, -8] True Christians would never act like this. There are a lot of humble Christians but it's always the loud ones who need to show off that they attend church who end up looking like cows amidst lambs. I'm sure their true intentions will all be unveiled when it comes time for God to judge them. 

10. [+122, -7] The church in our country is not a religion but a business


Article: "Can I still sue my school bully from 15 years ago?" 'The Glory' brings out a painful past for adults

Source: Korea Ilbo via Naver

1. [+481, -2] Everything bullies do must be recorded in their school records and prohibited from being deleted

2. [+275, -3] If any student who is currently being bullied is reading this... please go report it to the police. Repeatedly. Tell your parents. Tell your teachers. Keep letting everyone know even when your bully gets angry at you for it.

3. [+158, -4] There should not be a statute of limitations on any type of crime. There are people whose entire life trajectories have changed because of being bullied in school.

4. [+155, -5] As a victim myself, I personally have no intention of ever forgiving my bullies

5. [+121, -2] The saying that "time heals all" is a lie. I was bullied by my co-workers and have suffered to the point where I've been unemployed for over three years now. I want to take legal action but have no evidence or witnesses to help me. It doesn't help that the bullies have more power than me. I'm scared that I'll be stuck living in fear for the rest of my life. 

6. [+74, -1] I was bullied as a kid and memories of it still linger 30 years later. My own child was bullied to the point where I had to report it to the school and I was so upset at how it was all being handled by the homeroom teacher and principal. Fortunately, the school had a school bullying counselor who has been a great help but this whole experience has made me and my kid realize that there is no one to trust in this world. School bullying leaves the victim with a wound that they can never forget. The very least we can do is keep records of the bullying permanently through their school records so that they are not allowed to apply to public service jobs.

7. [+68, -0] Set a law so that school bullying is kept permanent on school records that must be submitted to college applications and future jobs. Anyone with bullying on their records should be faced with restrictions. If we let these people slip through the cracks, their bullying will just extend to the workplace and their co-workers. They are a cancer to society.

8. [+30, -0] We also need harsher punishments on teachers who spectate and do nothing. 

9. [+21, -0] It's so funny how crimes committed by bullies have a statute of limitations but the memories suffered by the victims don't

10. [+20, -0] The thing about school bullies is that if you try to hold them accountable as adults, they all use the same excuse like "I was young then, I was immature and didn't know better, I'm sorry"... and they think that solves everything. And to that, you should just say... that it's precisely because they're adults now that they should be held accountable for it. 
