'The Glory' casting team praised for perfect synchronization between adult and child characters

Article: "The casting team deserves an award" 'The Glory' gets perfect synchro between adult and child actors

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+444] The teacher and the son look perfectly alike, too...

2. [+231] I got goosebumps at how the homeroom teacher and the son looked like real father and son

3. [+202] The child and adult versions don't even need any type of explanation, their visuals alone explain the connection perfectly..

4. [+131] I don't get how Lee Do Hyun so perfectly pulls off roles from high school to adult.. he's so handsome but talented as well

5. [+46] When Jung Ji So turned around and became Song Hye Gyo, I got goosebumps!!

6. [+91] I haven't seen such perfect casting since the movie 'Sunny'

7. [+19] The unhinged look in the eyes and lips are so perfectly cast between the two actors, so scary

8. [+12] Every single casting is so talented 👏

9. [+16] Jung Ji So really carried the drama in the beginning

10. [+63] The supporting characters are better actors than Song Hye Gyo...
