Two high school sophomores from the same school found dead with letters about the stress of education

Article: Two female students dead at same school... letters lay bare the stress of school

Source: E-Daily via Naver

1. [+522, -23] Parents and teachers need to come together to put an end to driving kids into competition against one another. Kids... school is not everything. There are so many things more precious, more incomparable to your education.

2. [+410, -11] You can tell just by the college entrance exam just what a hell these kids are being put through. The math problems on these tests horrify even mathematicians, same with the English problems horrifying native English teachers. I heard that those who score decently on the exam are good enough to even get into colleges in the US... We need to stop with all the bias surrounding colleges, about how it's in Seoul or bust, making a mockery out of kids who choose schools in outer cities. Forcing every student to make a Seoul school their goal basically creates more and more repeat test-takers year after year, which is just a waste of time and money for everyone involved. This then continues to fund the private education industry with repeat test-takers paying 3 million won a month for academies... it's never ending. Who is placing such a burden on our children?

3. [+255, -21] We need to allow children to freely apply themselves to their personal interests and get into the colleges that are the best fit for them. 

4. [+204, -17] Our country needs to encourage students to apply themselves to the area that they excel or want to be in. It'll improve happiness and employment. We need to learn to be happy and satisfied with our own places in life... and this is coming from someone who dreamed of becoming a manhwa artist but had to live up to my parents' expectations and am now in my thirties still studying towards something I don't want. We need to allow children to choose their own lives... not have it be chosen by others. Happiness is something that we can only make for ourselves.

5. [+110, -5] Can a life lived by only beating others be truly happy... let's please allow our kids to have fun in sports, eat delicious foods, chat away with good friends, and sometimes study hard for school... it's about time.

6. [+31, -1] The system of dividing kids up by rank is where it all went wrong

7. [+22, -0] Getting into colleges may have gotten easier these days but a lot more difficult to get into the major schools. The whole process of applying to colleges totally breaks your mental. I think the whole point of the system, of putting you through the stress and pitting you against everyone else, is done on purpose to churn out laborers.

8. [+15, -2] Parents who demand education on their children when they themselves never got good grades need to be beat down!!! Also parents who did well in school and now expect their own children to be their own carbon copies!!!

9. [+13, -0] As a mother of a high school senior son myself, I can now see all the problems in our education system. We need to allow multiple chances for the college entrance exam like how the US allows multiple chances for the SAT and then picks the highest score in the end.

10. [+13, -0] I hope this never happens again. Because kids, you will never run into issues in life just because you didn't excel in school.
