Vietnamese Itaewon victim arrives back home

Article: Vietnamese victim returns home... family sobs atop casket

Source: JTBC via Naver

1. [+2,295, -152] We are sorry...

2. [+1,380, -13] Aigo... It hurts my heart, even more, to know that the majority of the foreigners who died in this accident were those who especially loved Korea and our culture.

3. [+528, -4] Nationalities aside, any family having to let go of their beloved children is tragic and wretched.

4. [+386, -5] These pictures rip at my heart... May they rest in peace.

5. [+276, -4] Rest in peace 🙏

6. [+39,- 2] To all of the foreigners who suffered harm for visiting our country out of their love for our culture, I would just like to say that I am sorry

7. [+35, -4] The loss of so many of our own youths is upsetting but I'm also feeling very apologetic for the lives of our foreign victims who loved our culture so. 

8. [+26, -4] I'm sure these foreigners visited our country thinking we were so advanced only to suffer in a crowd without a police or firefighter in sight. What an international embarrassment.

9. [+13, -2] Our country is not the same as what you watch in your K-dramas. Please don't fall for it. 

10. [+13, -3] I am so sorry.... ㅠ.ㅠ

11. [+6, -1] My heart feels so hurt and guilty. I can't imagine the pain of a parent who lost their child.

12. [+6, -1] As a Korean citizen, I feel upset and sorry.
