Kep1er's Dayeon and Ciipher's Won drop hints about dating

Video: Kep1er's Dayeon and Ciipher's Won are dating

Source: Sojang via Youtube

1. [+320] Hmm, the only cypher I know is the cypher they do on 'Show Me the Money' ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+189] I like that fans are becoming more respectful of idols and their private lives but Dayeon-ah, this is a time where you should be focusing on your career. It's too early to be dating. I supported her during her audition because she seemed so desperate to achieve her dream and because she worked so hard, so let's just focus on that right now. You're in a project group and this time is too precious to waste.

3. [+139] Seems news of this has reached both agencies so I just wish them a happy relationship now~~~ pretty legendary to confirm a dating scandal right before a comeback ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+120] Honestly, I don't care about the dating part because celebrities are people too, but why do they all insist on making it so obvious? I can't stand how they think they're getting away with pulling the wool over their eyes of their fans. Why would they post their dating pictures on their official accounts and make it so obvious on Bubble too? That's what people hate.

5. [+93] I'd understand dating when you're four to five years in and your group and your fandom are on stable footing... but a dating scandal just a year or two in? She went through such a long period of training and hard work to debut, she should know that a dating scandal this early in runs the risk of a huge loss to the fandom. I wish she would consider her team more and hold back a bit..

6. [+87] Nevermind the male idol, first time ever hearinga bout him... but isn't Kim Dayeon in a 2 year project group? Isn't this bringing a lot of harm to the other members? The audacity, really;

7. [+84] Seeing flop-dols date each other remind me of the relationships you see at academies for kids who flunked out of their exams... like a love blossomed out of a similar failure

8. [+79] I honestly have no idea who either Kep1er or ciipher are ㅠ

9. [+73] Trying to trick their fans like that is so cruel ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+53] Well... I guess this is one way to get your name out there

11. [+49] She went through so much on 'Produce' and worked so hard to debut only to do this... her height, looks, and skills aren't good enough to earn fame on her own, her work ethic was all she had going for her but I guess we won't be seeing her after 2024 then

12. [+42] Kim Dayeon has been receiving all types of support since Girl's Planet only to end up in a dating scandal the second she gets to debut ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

13. [+37] Rain's probably going to get high blood pressure ㅋㅋㅋ his group's already flopping and now one of them is dating

14. [+36] It just proves me to me that she isn't taking her idol career seriously. Go ahead and date. Be happy. But don't turn around and blame your fans when things go wrong for you.

15. [+24] Idols are people too so it's fine that they date but it's just such a waste of the long time she spent training to get this far

16. [+24] Why does every group have a member like this...

17. [+16] Kim Dayeon's agency seemed to really be pushing her to be successful and she should really be more considerate of that and act more carefully... but dangling this in front of fans like this is crossing the line. 

18. [+12] I seriously cannot stand idols who are right at the point in their careers where they should be working hard because they're still unknown but have the potential to be big only for them to get into a dating scandal and ruin it for their team and fans. Dayeon needs to reflect and think about what she's doing. Give up your parts to Hikaru or Yoojin ㅠ what're you doing to them ㅠ
