Sulli seems to be feeling better in latest photo updates

Article: Sulli looks brighter after her tearful live broadcast 'bright smile'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+202, -17] I wonder if she has bipolar disorder? There's such a big gap between her actions every day

2. [+110, -13] Doesn't matter how pretty she is, it's hard to continue dating, let alone marry, someone who's not all right in the head. It exhausts your partner too. I hope she gets some consulting and comes back normal.

3. [+42, -7] It didn't look like she was just crying, she looked mentally depressed... She kept putting on those bedroom eyes like she was trying to exude sex appeal and kept sucking her finger without saying anything... either way, she didn't seem normal

4. [+8, -7] I didn't care before because she was so young but now she seems like she's in heat with the way she was in bed sucking her finger like that

5. [+6, -2] Whatever the case, she's for sure an attention wh*re

6. [+6, -7] So pretty though

7. [+5, -0] I honestly think the media is what turns celebrities into attention wh*res. They update their SNS to stay in touch with their fans but the media keeps spotlighting all their posts so the public ends up thinking they're acting for attention.

8. [+3, -2] She's so pretty in the pictures she's sane in ㅠㅠ
