Jun Somi changes up her image with a short hair cut

Article: "Pretty even in short hair" Jun Somi's surprise style change

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+630, -34] She's pretty but I'd believe it if you told me she was 28 years old

2. [+566, -34] Exaggerating a bit but I'd believe it if someone told me she was in her early thirties

3. [+296, -17] Hul, she looks so mature and pretty now

4. [+31, -1] She doesn't look like she's in her teens...

5. [+22, -4] She could seriously pass for late twenties

6. [+19, -1] The irony of the IOI unnis looking younger than her...

7. [+16, -1] Foreigners and mixed race people definitely seem to age faster than us... I have a mixed friend and I remember being shocked when she started getting laugh lines in high school. I had no idea you could get wrinkles at that age...;;;

8. [+14, -0] If she's this popular even without an official debut, then her popularity has reached as high as it will go and yet she's already spent up her image... just debut her already;; are they waiting until Twice disbands? She's not a singer, she's not a variety star, she's not a CF model... JYP's totally leaving her up in the air

9. [+14, -1] I think she looks better with longer hair

10. [+10, -3] She's pretty but there's something masculine about her features....
