Hyuna proves she can look sexy in a plain t-shirt too

Article: Hyuna looks sexy in just a t-shirt 'the power of a pictorial master'

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+222, -9] Yes... this is perfect. She totally looks back to her 'Bubble Pop' and 'Ice Cream' days... so pretty

2. [+162, -8] This is the perfect amount of everything. Can we please bring back her 'Bubble Pop' and 'Red' coordi?

3. [+128, -9] She definitely does look better in concepts like this

4. [+13, -7] Ugh so sick of that damn red lip stick she's been wearing for years

5. [+11, -0] It's funny how she has the most scandalous image out of everyone but she hasn't had a scandal to her name and is mostly quiet~ while Suzy's already been in two scandals with her boyfriends ㅋㅋ

6. [+10, -4] Her make up is always so tacky. Does she do it herself or does she have a make up artist?

7. [+10, -1] Yes... so much prettier like this than the over the top outfits she usually wears

8. [+7, -2] Why is her make up always so dramatic... go a bit lighter

9. [+6, -1] Hyuna was so pretty when she had black hair and lighter make up

10. [+5, -0] Did she normally have a beauty mark there?
