GO and girlfriend Choi Ye Seul land their first couple CF

Article: "Couple CF" GO ♥ Choi Ye Seul are the hottest BJ couple

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+731, -19] Seems like he's getting more recognition after becoming a BJ than he ever got when he was a celebrity

2. [+654, -64] I do feel bad for him when he pretends to slap himself whenever he gets a donation. Obviously he'd rather be up on stage singing songs under flashy lighting and all ㅠㅠ I hope that he doesn't go too far with this and retains his dignity at least

3. [+104, -12] I'm sure he put a lot of thought into becoming a BJ... support him, don't hate him

4. [+47, -6] I don't doubt his bravery in transferring to a BJ. You have to admit that it kills your pride to downgrade from being a celebrity idol to a BJ... especially since he failed as an idol and had to BJ as a last resort... I do applaud his bravery in just letting it all go and starting over fresh. I just don't want him to do stupid things for donations, then I'd really feel bad for him...

5. [+35, -13] ㅋㅋㅋ he's still a wh*re for the donations

6. [+31, -2] Hope you two get married!!

7. [+22, -3] People keep saying he's a donation wh*re but what are celebrities? They do crazy things for money too, they're no different ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+22, -4] Even though he's probably making a lot of money, can't help that the stigma makes him look... cheap. I wonder if he ever feels ashamed of himself?

9. [+16, -0] ㅋㅋㅋ When he first brought his girlfriend on the stream, I figured he'd start using her for the attention and what do you know, they're always streaming together now ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+14, -5] Anyone who makes fun of him for being a "donation wh*re" is just jealous... there are a million ways to make money and this is just one of them ㅋㅋ he's not scamming people out of their money, this is still a job for him
