Fans see GD off to his army enlistment

Article: Serve well, G-Dragon! Fans gather in front of the training center

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+1,087, -72] I know it's supposed to be private but I want to see his face ㅠ take care of yourself ㅠㅠ

2. [+757, -36] It's supposed to be private..

3. [+674, -69] Wow, can't believe Jiyong hyung is off to serve... time flies..

4. [+605, -28] Stay healthy, serve well!!

5. [+112, -0] It's private and yet the media is all there;;;

6. [+102, -3] We know that there are a ton of people who like GD but as it is a private enlistment, we fans agreed that it wouldn't be best to go since it'd be wrong. The majority didn't go but I really wish the foreign fans wouldn't too... There's no way to stop fans who flew in to do this.

7. [+91, -1] Pretty sure he wanted a private enlistment..

8. [+84, -4] Why am I so sad even though he's not leaving forever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I remember missing my own little brother when he left to serve even though all we did was fight every day... now GD's serving... I'm worried but also really sad.. I wish I went to see him off

10. [+82, -11] I know it's private but I hope to see his face


Source: Naver

1. [+3,198, -130] Waiting two years is nothing compared to the 10 years of joy Big Bang's music has given us. Serve safely.

2. [+2,229, -105] Take care of yourself, we'll be waiting

3. [+1,819, -81] Serve well, we'll be waiting

4. [+1,697, -67] Be healthy, serve well

5. [+1,568, -72] I trust you'll serve well, stay healthy
