H&M slammed for 'coolest monkey in the jungle' sweater

Article: H&M under controversy for racist product display of black child in "coolest monkey in the jungle" sweater

Source: Herald Econ via Nate

1. [+469, -21] Was the person who made this sane? I seriously hope that racists get properly punished

2. [+270, -18] They should dress whoever came up with this idea in the same sweater and put him in a zoo

3. [+161, -12] I don't get why you would even put that on a children's sweater... ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+19, -8] I don't really understand...? So a black child can't wear this but a white child can? Isn't that racist in itself?

5. [+11, -1] Race issues aside, the statement itself seems a bit weird to be putting on a children's shirt unless you want whoever's wearing it to be made fun of -_-

6. [+10, -3] I feel like this is an overreaction. I lived half my life in America and saw a lot of my classmates grow up to become parents themselves so I hear American mothers often call their kids and other kids a "monkey"... I've even seen a black friend call her own kid a "crazy monkey" when he's going crazy running around. Sometimes you even use it as a term of endearment to other kids. The fact that this whole thing is an issue because the kid model is black seems more racist to me. I bet you 90% that this would've never been an issue if a white kid wore the shirt.

7. [+10, -7] Isn't seeing this as racist just racism itself...

8. [+8, -7] It wouldn't be controversial if a white kid wore it, but only because it's a black kid ㅋㅋ I feel like that's more racist ㅋㅋ
