YG to produce a survival variety with a date with a top star as the final prize

Article: [Exclusive] YG to make a survival variety 'The Final Bride'

Source: Joy News 24 via Nate

Contestants will go through various survival missions and the final winner will earn a date with a top YG actor.

1. [+166, -2] Yang Hyun Suk is doing all this because he enjoys being on TV. He loves it when anyone mentions him on SNS or TV shows. GD was right, he does have the celebrity disease.

2. [+121, -1] Take care of the kids you have

3. [+91, -1] Instead of wasting time on this, go get everyone tested for drugs and give your artists mental consulting

4. [+18, -0] You know who the busiest in YG is? Yang Hyun Suk ㅋ No idea where or what any of his artists are doing, all he cares is that he's on TV shows all day long ㅋ

5. [+16, -1] He's become addicted to survival shows

6. [+15, -3] Stop with the survival shows, so sick of him judging others

7. [+11, -0] Is it really necessary to put all those contestants through missions just to go on a date with someone? So what if it's a 'top celebrity star', stop treating stars like they're some god status...

8. [+10, -0] This is pathetic... why would anyone go suffer through all those missions just to get... a date with a celebrity??? And enough with these survival shows, we're already living in a competitive society... The media is already abuzz with an idol's suicide, do you really have to encourage more competition...?

9. [+10, -0] No... stop with these survival programs. Unless you're going to guarantee someone a debut, don't pick them at all. It's because of all these survival shows that the competition in society is getting worse... all of this makes me so sad.

10. [+5, -0] Why are they bothering with this show? It's such a stupid concept. Is YG looking for other ways to make money now that their musicians keep getting into scandals? Focus that energy on iKON and Winner. Is Lee Hi ever going to promote again or what?
