Hyuna unveils 'Lip & Hip' comeback MV

Article: "The sexy queen is back" Hyuna's provocative 'Lip & Hip' will set winter on fire

Source: Herald Pop via Naver

1. [+3,449, -896] Tired of her sexy concepts now...

2. [+2,509, -347] After seeing the other 4 members unfollow Hyuna... while I understand that Cube has to push Hyuna for their own profits, it does make me think that they only gave Hyuna all their attention. Her concepts are becoming weirder, and not just more "American" but almost back in the '70s... Her 'Bubble Pop' days were the best.

3. [+2,582, -777] She definitely feels like a has been now ㅠㅠ...

4. [+2,203, -457] Nothing about her feels  new or fresh

5. [+1,225, -252] Boring... Hyuna needs a change...

6. [+520, -47] I still prefer Hyuna to all those lolita, "I don't know anything about sexy~" concepts. They all seem like clones of one another.

7. [+510, -75] People keep saying they're tired of sexy concepts but if you look at the current idols, there aren't a lot of sexy concepts out there

8. [+547, -177] Shows why singing skills are so important. IU has no worries for the rest of her career while people are already getting tired of Hyuna's same old concepts.

9. [+498, -139] Way too much...

10. [+400, -62] Asian society is so conservative. People don't care when groups get stuck on cute or innocent concepts but any idol that gets stuck on a sexy concept is always criticized. I find Hyuna amazing for sticking to her concept and continuing to express herself through it.


Source: Nate

1. [+1,689, -57] I just watched the music video ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and it's a total mess ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ song's weird, lyrics are weird, her voice is weird, she still can't sing, she keeps showing her panties ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ this isn't just Hyuna's problem, her company needs to reflect with her over their decisions to do this

2. [+1,406, -55] Curious now as to whether she really hates these concepts and she's really being forced to do them?

3. [+1,364, -55] Please stop stripping on your own decision like this and coming out on TV shows and crying about how you hate your sexy image ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+90, -7] Is she psycho? ㅡㅡ She always makes herself sound like the victim on TV shows and yet all her concepts are like this

5. [+87, -2] I wonder what makes her so confident in her body when she has no butt and her boobs are fake

6. [+83, -7] Getting cheaper by the comeback

7. [+76, -3] If my daughter ever did something like this, I'd make her quit.... sigh, what is this?

8. [+68, -4] Hyuna-ya... this is wrong... your charm is in the bubbly sexiness of 'Bubble Pop' ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ not this ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

9. [+56, -3] Her MV is pretty much a porno... I wish she'd go back to her 'Change' days...

10. [+43, -3] Why do you think Cube is failing so hard... the answer is right before us
