'2017 KBS Gayo Festival' criticized for being too idol-centric

Article: 'KBS Gayo Festival' was just a festival of their own

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+255, -9] The market only cares about the idols... but they're going to reach their limit one day

2. [+203, -11] Seriously, why did they get so many stages each? This festival was just a talent show for the fans to enjoy. There were so many great songs this year but none of them were featured. I got so tired of it that I stopped watching. It was basically a school talent show full of idols lip syncing.

3. [+148, -11] I normally listen to all genres from idols to 70s~80s to trot to classic to rock... but even I had to admit that the festival was too idol biased. I was looking forward to a festival that showcased all of the shining artists from all the genres this year, what a shame.

4. [+34, -7] The only live singers were BTS, Mamamoo, and Hwang Chiyeol. The others were either MR or AR and lip syncing while dancing. Doesn't that make them dancers, not singers? ㅎㅎ BTS managed to sing live while dancing the whole time and now I realize why they're so famous worldwide.

5. [+31, -2] What I was most surprised about was how proud Twice felt about themselves... are they not ashamed at all to be standing up there lip syncing??

6. [+20, -6] The festival needed to have featured the hit songs of the year like Bolbbalgan Sachungi, Yoon Jong Shin, IU, and Epik High, no?

7. [+17, -1] BTS and Mamamoo were worth watching since they sang live but those units or whatever full of huge idols gave me goosebumps with how bad they were... it's quite obvious they became singers just to become stars and not musicians.

8. [+13, -0] The early 2000s were the best... you could turn on a music show and hear music form hip hop to dance to idols... now it's start to finish idols ㅠㅠㅠ

9. [+12, -3] The festival would've really been worth nothing if not for Hwang Chiyeol, Mamamoo, and BTS. BTS singing all live just dominated the whole thing.

10. [+11, -2] The festival really did seem like a school talent show ㅋㅋ not fun at all unless you're a fan of any of the groups... tsk tsk
