Japanese journalist weighs in on Park Yoochun's career prospects in Japan

Article: Japanese journalist says, "Prospects of Park Yoochun's future career in Japan are despairing"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+1,204, -22] His whole career is a despair...

2. [+1,142, -26] It's a despair in Korea too

3. [+842, -21] He totally looks like your local ajusshi with all that weight gain ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+49, -7] Shows that your inner character shows in your looks... When he first debuted with TVXQ, I was so surprised at how clean and pretty his face looked... now that image is all gone and he looks so rotten and ugly

5. [+32, -8] It's over for him, isn't it? Look at all that weight he gained, he's living the good life.

6. [+29, -5] Even Japan is throwing him away. He has no chance in China because of thaad. Might as well start a toilet business now.

7. [+23, -5] His entire life is a despair

8. [+22, -3] He was a flower boy during his TVXQ days, now he looks like any ajusshi you can see walking around your town.. trashed image, fat, he's getting married soon... there's no career prospects for him left. Just stick to your wife.

9. [+21, -3] He looks like my apartment's security ajusshi in that photo...

10. [+15, -2] So glad he left TVXQ

11. [+15, -3] As sex progressive as Japan is, they're strict when it comes to their celebrities so I doubt they'd be accepting of his scandal
