INFINITE renews contracts sans Hoya

Article: Woollim, "6 members of INFINITE renewed contracts excluding Hoya"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+504, -13] So is this the end of a whole INFINITE...

2. [+345, -22] What a shame... I wonder if he'll go into acting

3. [+265, -20] Hoya, just stay ㅠ so sad we won't get to see them whole anymore. I'll still support you though.

4. [+262, -20] Ah hul... Howon-ah ㅠㅠ

5. [+181, -0] Hul...

6. [+91, -4] Sigh, does he not realize that his acting's only getting attention because he's an INFINITE member

7. [+64, -2] You can't ignore the name value of INFINITE... I've rarely seen a member do well once they leave their group..

8. [+72, -6] As the saying goes, there's nothing but suffering once you leave your home...

9. [+47, -1] INFINITE only puts out one album a year and barely has any international promos so he can totally stay in the group and pursue acting at the same time, why would he choose to leave? Must be upsetting for fans

10. [+63, -7] He just wants to be an actor instead of an idol

11. [+51,- 5] Hul... all the second generation groups are breaking up one by one...

12. [+50, -7] 100% any idol group that has a member pursuing acting ends up in a break up

13. [+45, -3] Guess that's the end of INFINITE. I really thought out of all the 2010 debuts, INFINITE TEEN TOP and SISTAR would make it


Source: Nate

1. [+241, -17] Seems he wants to pursue acting. I remember seeing him a few times and he didn't have much impact...

2. [+228, -20] They're a group that is way past their peak, so...

3. [+111, -33] Good, just pursue acting

4. [+39, -4] Nam Woohyun sticking through ㅋㅋ

5. [+28, -4] I don't see much of a career for him in acting. His looks are below average too, and he's barely that talented.

6. [+18, -5] What's he going to do on his own... I've rarely seen any member do well on their own..;;

7. [+15, -2] L does more acting work than him and he still renewed. Hoya can totally pursue both acting and the group at the same time ㅠ he's a good dancer, sad that we won't be seeing much of that anymore

8. [+15, -1] INFINITE had a lot of great songs though
