[Instiz] Why netizens have no sympathy for celebrity whining

Instiz: The reason why celebrities complaining about how hard they have it will never earn sympathy

"When celebrities are out on TV complaining about how they have no private life, no sleep, bad skin, lost weight, haven't been paid yet... viewers fail to sympathize with him because of two simple reasons:

1. The viewer is not obligated to listen to these complaints
Yes, we can all agree 100 times over that being a celebrity is a tough career but there are a ton of tough careers out there like doctors and lawyers. Doctors have the freedom to complain as well but they usually keep it between their colleagues or to their friends and family. They don't go up to their patients and whine like, 'Hey patient, I became a doctor by not getting any sleep and studying really hard, life is so hard for me right now, I regret becoming a doctor, sob sob...' There is no doctor who does that... A doctor is obligated to give his patient the trust that he can treat them. Viewers want to be entertained by celebrities, not be forced to sympathize with someone who makes 10 times more money than them.

2. The situations are just not relatable
Imagine if a chaebol came up to you and whined like, 'Wah wah wah my family is so rich that we're all fighting over the money and I have friends that are only friends with me for the money, sob sob'... The majority of the viewers barely earn 1/10 of what these celebrities make..."


"I'm really sick of celebrities whining to viewers or their fans... aren't you supposed to keep that stuff to your family or friends? The rest of us have it hard too but we usually don't whine to the people we're serving about it."

"Especially celebrities who whine about their schedules... The rest of us wake up every day to go t work ㅜㅜ at least celebrities get paid the more they work, we get paid the same amount... and when celebrities get time off, they have all that money to spend it luxuriously whereas we don't."

"This post feels too cold... are celebrities obligated to be smiling the entire time they're on TV and never let any struggles show?"
- Well it's the same for other jobs, you're supposed to smile when faced with a client no matter how hard it is for you right now
- It may sound cold but it's literally the celebrity's job to be smiling on TV. It's a part of the job that they need to learn to deal with.
- My parents have it tough but they still force themselves to smile at work. I force myself to smile at work. All we're asking is that celebrities keep the whining to their private lives and act professionally when they're working.
- It's called having a job... everyone else, especially in the service industry, has to smile on the job, not only celebrities. Have you ever had a job before?

"I think it's a matter of perspective... when celebrities complain, sometimes you learn that everyone has it tough in the world, it's not just me... and it's all about helping each other out in the end."

"Celebrities knew it'd be hard when they chose to go down this path. If they can't handle it, they can quit."
- Seriously, just quit instead of whining on TV about it
- Right? They refuse to quit because they like the money but they'll still whine about it..

"Exactly why I'll never relate to whiny celebrities."

"You know even as early as a trainee that it's going to be a tough career but they still wanted it and chose it."

"Unless you're a fan, it's hard to relate to any of them."

"There are workers and college students who spend more nights up and work even harder than them and never get paid or end up with the grades they want. Celebrities need to be grateful they're making the kind of money they are."

"I despise it when trainees also complain about how hard it is to become a celebrity while the rest of us high schoolers and college students are dealing with the realities of unemployment and cutthroat competition to get one more leg up against each other on our resumes."
