Large agencies increase investments into indie and hip hop artists

Article: Large agencies to increase investments into hip hop and indie bands

Source: Seoul Econ via Naver

Article talks about how pop music agencies have realized only investing in idols is dangerous and have started branching out, with CJ sponsoring KBS 'Top Band 3', YG starting an indie record label, and Starship bringing on hip hop stars like Junggigo.


1. [+479, -43] AOA tried it as a band and they failed so hard. They eventually had to resort to stripping down the kids to get popularity. A female indie band will only last a few months before reality hits them and they have to resort to showing skin and dancing too.

2. [+341, -26] High Ground is not a hip hop label

3. [+297, -6] Hyukoh has really gotten so far thanks to their increase in exposure with 'Infinity Challenge' ㅋㅋ

4. [+301, -11] It's great that they're trying to diversify the music market but I'm scared that the indie market will be eaten up by stocks too

5. [+78, -4] We need to be like the American music market with lots of different musicians of different genres... our music industry right now is full of nothing but porn-dols;;

6. [+67, -5] As long as SM stays out of hip hop

7. [+67, -5] You're not really indie anymore once you have a large agency investing in you. Do you not understand the point of being indie?

8. [+52, -2] Who knows, maybe the companies just want to take up the whole market for themselves

9. [+48, -2] They can invest all they want... just don't ruin the original nature of what it means to be hip hop and indie...
