Wonder Girls understand that their fans are coping with their mature new image

Article: 'One Night' Wonder Girls, "Fans photoshopped clothes onto our picture, they still think of us as babies"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

Yeeun, "We were minors when we debuted so our fans still think of us as babies and are a bit uncomfortable with even a bit of skin exposure..."

1. [+279, -7] Sohee, Sunmi, and Hyuna were in their third year of junior high when they debuted with 'Irony'...

2. [+275, -30] Think about it. Just how bad were the outfits that fans had to go this far just to cover them up? There's a reason why JYP has never had a good female artist...

3. [+190, -15] Please, put some clothes on...

4. [+17, -4] Fans photoshopped it because they felt bad and embarrassed for you.

5. [+16, -3] It's not even the skin exposure that's the problem, the outfits are just bad...

6. [+12, -2] The outfits are just bad ㅠㅠ

7. [+11, -9] The outfits are so cheap looking... and more erotic than Stellar.

8. [+9, -0] But Yoobin's 28 this year ㅋㅋㅋ I can definitely feel that they've grown since I was a fan in junior high and now I'm in my early/mid twenties ㅎㅎ I support them but I do wish they'll keep the skin exposure to a minimum ㅎ

9. [+8, -1] Kids nowadays don't even know that Hyuna used to be a Wonder Girls member... proof that we're all old ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
