Liu Yifei confirms relationship with Song Seung Hun ♥♥

Article: Liu Yifei, "I have a lot I want to say... but for now, these two hearts ♥♥" 

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+515, -43] I'm so jealous of Song Seung Hun. I really hope he manages to have a great relationship and gets married to her.

2. [+455, -65] I remember a few years ago she was the #1 most beautiful woman in the world. Song Hye Gyo was like #3 or something?? Not sure;;

3. [+372, -76] She can do so better considering her age and image... I bet her fans are bitter over this

4. [+36, -10] It's really funny how there are people saying she's only girl-next-door pretty or that she's only popular in China... there's obviously a mysterious aura to her that no Korean actress has been able to show yet ㅋㅋ and so what if she's only popular in China, do you not realize how big China is? The population of their upper class is about as big as our entire population... and she's quite known in Hollywood too. Even if Song Seung Hun's got good looks, he's still way older than her. Even as a woman, I realize that Liu Yifei could do better than him since she's so young still ㅋㅋ

5. [+32, -2] I checked a Chinese site this morning and was surprised to see that they really are dating. She's one of my favorite actresses.. so beautiful and comes from a wealthy family too. All of the women in her family are so beautiful from her grandmother to her aunts to her mother... for her to say that she's the ugliest out of them all, imagine how beautiful the rest are ㅠㅠ anyway, I hope she's happy and doesn't get hurt~

6. [+24, -5] Well this puts Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin in the dust ㅋㅋㅋ these two are of another class

7. [+23, -1] It's amazing for a woman to even put one heart so for her to put two must mean she's really in love~

8. [+20, -1] So are we trading Song Seung Hun for Tang Wei ㅋㅋㅋ They match well!


Source: Naver

1. [+1,451, -34] Such a cute way to confirm a relationship ㅋㅋ beautiful and handsome couple!

2. [+1,163, -33] From Tang Wei to Liu Yifei, congratulations on another Korean-Chinese couple..

3. [+1,064, -31] Couldn't find a better occasion to say 'beautiful and handsome couple' than this

4. [+910, -27] Congratulations~ be happy ^^

5. [+820, -34] Song Seung Hun-ssi is so handsome ㅎㅎㅎ

6. [+240, -14] You can tell she's head over heels for him. If Song Seung Hun manages to get married to her, his status will rise crazily.

7. [+233, -9] She already tagged him last August and called him handsome with tons of emoticons ㅋㅋ looks like she fell in love at first sight

8. [+199, -7] Honestly so jealous of Song Seung Hun... she's not just your mother's best friend's daughter but practically a princess...

9. [+197, -11] Heard her family was the 23rd most wealthy in China... Song Seung Hun's quite ambitious ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+195, -10] I've never been jealous of Lee Min Ho or Rain but I am quite jealous of Song Seung Hun~
