DSP to debut KARA's little sister group 'April' this year

Article: 'KARA little sister group' April to debut in the second half of the year... 'lovely charm'

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+67, -8] Isn't KARA's little sister group Rainbow?

2. [+48, -5] DSP is coming out with April when they can't even promote Rainbow or AJAX? Why not just focus on these two groups instead of launching a new one? They already made a trainee commit suicide not too long ago, I'm sure this new debut is going to work out just fine for them. With the way DSP is running things lately, it seems like they're just taking all the money KARA is making them and throwing it out with stupid investments. Go learn some business management. Debuting a group and leaving them to fend for themselves may have worked 20 years ago but trends have changed now, you pathetic staff.

3. [+28, -2] Sigh. I feel so bad for the trainee who commit suicide. I've supported KARA and Rainbow all this time but... DSP makes my head hurt.

4. [+41, -18] Ap.. (A Pink and April start with the same two syllables in Korean)... and on top of that, a pink color logo?

5. [+32, -17] Girlfriend: SNSD plagiarism group, April: A Pink plagiarism group?

6. [+14, -0] Reading this stuff just makes me feel sad for that DSP trainee who commit suicide

7. [+9, -0] Whatever the case, I have to applaud Hara for having the balls to release a solo amidst Soshi, A Pin, AOA, and SISTAR comebacks

8. [+12, -3] This is probably their last resort with Rainbow doing so poorly
