TV: [Spoilers!!!] Producer (Pilot)

Article: Pilot broadcast 'Producer', curious about the KBS variety department?

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,000, -442] Not as fun as I thought it'd be...

2. [+2,691, -429] I think this will be Kim Soo Hyun's first failed work... so boring
- Seriously don't understand why Kim Soo Hyun picked a drama like this... this is his first drama back since 'Stars', it's going to be a big hit.
- I'm only watching this for Kim Soo Hyun and it's so boring
- Okay so maybe the scriptwriter persuaded Kim Soo Hyun somehow but Gong Hyo Jin? Was she baited by Kim Soo Hyun?

3. [+2,021, -243] It's just the pilot broadcast but for now it's so boring...

4. [+1,871, -244] Honestly, it's as bad as 'Hyde, Jekyll, I' right now. Casting alone can't save a bad drama.

5. [+653, -56] Is this a drama to promote KBS?...

6. [+771, -199] This drama's just an utter mess, IU's acting is cringeworthy...

7. [+668, -98] After all that media play, the drama ends up being so boring... why did Kim Soo Hyun, Gong Hyo Jin, and Cha Tae Hyun even choose this drama?

8. [+592, -102] Had a feeling ever since I saw them media playing the sh*t out of this drama

9. [+585, -97] It's actually horrifying and shocking how boring this drama is

10. [+448, -81] It's suffocating how boring this drama is


Source: Naver

1. [+4,929, -417] So much hype for nothing

2. [+4,384, -367] So surprised at how boring it was... I mean it's Gong Hyo Jin, Kim Soo Hyun, and IU..

3. [+4,073, -575] IU's acting is still lacking

4. [+2,892, -220] I don't think the journalist actually saw the episode before writing this article

5. [+896, -80] The drama is so b o r i n g

6. [+860, -45] I don't know about the pilot ㅜㅜ cringeworthy, awkward, I don't know how this can happen with a cast like this

7. [+863, -101] All this drama had was excessive media play. I feel like Kim Soo Hyun wanted to go out of his comfort box by trying a role like this but it has only become a drama to add to his failure list ㅋㅋ

8. [+801, -43] I was so bored the entire time that I had to switch channels
