EXO to perform at their first college festival

Article: [Exclusive] EXO to perform at their first college festival since debut

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+9,285, -344] Well this is going to be wild

2. [+6,309, -318] Wow....... daebak.......

3. [+5,885, -276] The surrounding area is going to be crazy packed

4. [+5,280, -233] It won't be crazy because tickets are only going out two per students of the school max so people can't flood the festival. They also don't accept past maximum capacity so unless you're a student of the school or you're best friends with a Yonsei student, you won't get in ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+4,869, -265] This is going to be a mess~~ ㅋㅋ

6. [+975, -63] Hul, they must've spent a ton of money on casting them. Money that students had to pay in tuition.

7. [+974, -78] Look at that cast list on top of EXO... I don't know why a college would spend this amount of money on just a school festival... They should use that money on helping students with tuition instead.

8. [+715, -58] Wow, that Yonsei class..

9. [+649, -26] The casting fee must've cost so much..

10. [+610, -90] EXO ranked #1 on a Gallup pole for women in their twenties;; college students like EXO, just are embarrassed to admit it
