Gunman at army camp leaves will and 3 dead after shooting spree

Article: Will of gunman discovered... "I want to kill everyone"

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

1. [+178, -8] What crime did those men commit to deserve to die to your own disgust and rebellion against yourself?

2. [+142, -7] If he was in such pain and disgust, did he not care that he was also putting others in pain by killing them too? I have no sympathy for him.

3. [+125, -15] Why couldn't he die alone if he was going to die at all, sigh..

4. [+114, -11] What did the killed kids do to deserve this... Living and dying all happens in a moment, I doubt those kids thought they'd be killed while receiving their training. Such a scary world..

5. [+97, -6] This man took innocent lives all because he wanted to kill himself... what a psycho. Even scarier to think that there are men probably like him walking among us.


Article: 'Army gunman' death toll to three with death of injured Yoon

Source: News 1 via Nate

1. [+374, -5] Ugh... so angry that two innocent lives were killed over this psycho..

2. [+303, -5] Such an unfair death. Makes me more mad to realize that the deaths were two young men who didn't even get to live out their dreams. May they rest in peace. And since that bastard killer said in his will that being burned to death would be the biggest pain, I hope he drops straight to hell!

3. [+264, -7] Buried????? The bastard gunman wants to be buried after killing innocent lives????? His life wouldn't even be worth feeding to the animals after cutting him limb to limb. Not even worth trash.

4. [+16, -1] I don't even know why discharged soldiers need to be trained for three days. It might be important when they're in active service but why do they need to suffer for six years after their discharge?

5. [+15, -1] The world is so scary, how can you live safely anymore..
